Lion's Den Spotlight

Welcome to our newsletter from the special ​programs at Trinity Lakes Elementary, including ​Art, Music, PE, Theater, and Library! We are a ​dynamic team, passionate about our subjects. ​We have some new faces, check out the picture ​below! Mrs. Weaver is joining our Art Team and ​Mr. Starks has joined our Music Team.

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Theatre Mask

What’s going on in Music?

What’s going on in Theatre?

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What’s going on in Art?


What’s going on in P.E?

*2023-2024 School Year*

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Lion's Den Spotlight

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Physical Education
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Welcome to our newsletter from the special programs at Trinity Lakes Elementary, including Art, Music, PE, Theater, and Library! In this edition, we will show off all of the wonderful things that have been happening in our classrooms and beyond. We had a wonderful first semester at TLE and look forward to even more fun in 2024! Check out our Spring Event Calendar for all the dates to save.

The latest updates from our TLE Library with Mrs. Gregory:

Select the links below to see more of the great things from Fall 2023:

New displays throughout the campus for student artwork!

Our TLE artists finding joy in creating, and the winners of our 2023 Holiday Card contest!

Our Spring Musical will be Lion King Kids! Rehearsals begin January 16

In the fall semester our theater classes collaborated with Ms. Marsh’s Art Class to explore the art and performances of Asia. We also had a Mane Stage production of “Goldilocks on Trial,” and Mrs. Moriarty is proud of all the hard work that our students did to make it a success!

Between various performances of our TLE clubs and grade levels, our first in person Talent Show, and several guest performances from the community, our music department has been very busy! Our music teachers, Mrs. Claset and Ms. Finch, are very proud of all of the ways music is celebrated here at TLE!

Events from Fall 2023

Choir - Brahmas, Hurst tree lighting, & FBC @ the Trails

Ensemble - Rally performances

3rd grade performance

TLE Staff Thriving Thursday

Van Cliburn visit

Saenz family - guest speakers

Watch Now:

Talent Show

1st grade performance

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Scenes from our TLE gym: Staff Thriving Thursday and students practicing team work!

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Second six weeks Newsletter

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Lion's Den Spotlight

Lion's Den Spotlight

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Arts and Culture Icon

Welcome to our newsletter from the special programs at Trinity Lakes Elementary, including Art, Music, PE, Theater, and Library! This edition will be dedicated to “Kids in Action,” or showing a peek into our classrooms, studios, gym, and library! We also have released information about our first live TLE Talent Show with audition videos due October 15.

Physical Education

Click the video above to see scenes for our Trinity Lakes Library and a special message from our Librarian Mrs. Gregory!

Artists at work Ms. Marsh’s Art Class!

Engaging activities building community in our Theater class with Ms. Moriarty!

5th grade represented TLE as creative and engaged at the Amon Carter Art Museum and Fort Worth Science and History museum on their recent field trip with Ms. Campbell and the 5th grade team!

TLE Lions make musical memories through engaging instruction!

The athletes of Trinity Lakes build their volleyball skills during PE this six weeks!

TLE Talent Show 2023

We are having a LIVE in-person Talent Show this year! This is a chance for our students to show off their unique talents to the whole school. You can perform by yourself or with a group. If you are interested in performing, read the rules below and start practicing!

Talent Show Rules and Requirements

Any TLE student may submit an audition video, PK-6th grade.

Your act must be school appropriate. No bad words, no violence, and performers should wear school appropriate clothing. If you are dancing, the dance moves must be clean and appropriate for all ages.

The maximum time for your act is 2 minutes. It’s okay if your audition is longer, but if you are chosen, we will work with you to shorten it to 2 minutes.

Only the most prepared performers will be selected. Make sure you have lots of practice before recording your audition video.

If you want to sing a song, try to find a karaoke track to sing along with instead of the original song. We want to hear YOUR voice, not a different singer.

Have a talent that doesn’t feature singing or dancing? We want to see it too! The talent show is open to all kinds of talents that can be performed on a stage with a live audience.

If you are selected to perform, we will have a practice on Nov. 1st (conference day) and the performance will be on Nov. 3rd at 1:45pm in the TLE cafeteria.

If you and your parents read the rules and think you’ve got a great talent to share with our school, start practicing!!!

Once you’re ready, record your audition video (it’s okay to record it a couple times and pick the best one) and submit it to this audition form. You will tell us a little info about your act and upload your video at the bottom of the form. We will review all audition videos and announce the chosen performers by October 20th!

**Audition videos must be submitted by Sunday, October 15th**

First six weeks Newsletter

Lion's Den Spotlight

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Physical Education
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Arts and Culture Icon

Welcome to our newsletter from the special programs at Trinity Lakes Elementary, including Art, Music, PE, Theater, and Library! For our first edition, we will introduce all of the teachers on our team and share more information about Fall Clubs for 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students. Auditions and applications are due soon, so be sure to talk with your student about getting involved in clubs today!

TLE is a


place to be!

Trinity Lakes Elementary is one of only two fine-arts focused elementary schools in HEB ISD. While all HEB ISD elementary schools have Art, Music, and PE classes for grades Kindergarten through 6th grade, we have even more to offer with our expanded program.

How is our campus unique?

You will see regular collaboration and team teaching with our 2 full-time Art and 2 full-time music teachers, as well as a full-time Theater teacher. Our team serves our entire Pre-K through 6th grade campus, so every child gets to experience and grow in the visual and performing arts. Our 5th and 6th grade students have additional fine arts classes with our Enrichment program, and every single student have opportunities to perform and display their artwork throughout the school year. Learn more about our dedicated team in the "Meet the Teacher" features below, and don't miss our upcoming Fall Events at the bottom of this page:

Clubs for 4th-6th grade students:

Students attend special areas classes each week including one Art rotation, one Music rotation, one Theater rotation, and two PE rotations (please wear appropriate footwear-no dress shoes, sandals, or boots). CHAMPS and general classroom expectations are utilized in Special Area classrooms as well. Grades are based upon following directions, participation, production, and some written work.

Extra-curricular programs are available to help further develop skills in the fine arts and

physical health areas. The following extra-curricular clubs are available at Trinity Lakes Elementary:

**Clubs are for participating members only. Siblings will not be permitted to attend. Reliable transportation (walking home, car pick-up, extended day) will need to be coordinated for all participating members by their parents/guardians.**

Sports Club, Coach Smith

Grades: Fifth and Sixth Grade Students

Objective: To explore different areas of fitness through sports

When: Mondays from 3:05-3:45pm

How to join: Pick up form outside of the Gym and return to Coach Smith by Sept 7.

Art Club, Ms. Marsh & Ms. Campbell

Grades: Fourth Grade Students

Objective: to explore student interests and have extra work time with introduced media from art classes.

Students should come with their own ideas to create and experiment with!

When: Mondays from 3:05-4 pm until Thanksgiving Break.

How to join: Complete the Art Club application form and return to Ms. Marsh by September 7 to receive a permission slip. There will be a limit of 15 students based on those who return their permission slips first.

Choir, Ms. Claset & Ms. Finch

Grades: Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grade Students

Objective: To foster a deeper appreciation of various types of music through group rehearsals and


When: Rehearsals held every Wednesday afternoon from 3:05-4pm with additional attendance required for


How to join: Auditions will be held AFTER SCHOOL September 5th and 6th. Interested students should take

home and return a permission slip (see Mrs. Claset), and sign-up in Music Room B for an audition day. Students

will need to stay after dismissal on their audition day and sing their choice of the ABCs or Twinkle Twinkle Little

Star. Students should plan to stay until 4pm on their audition day, and must either be picked up or walk home

at that time. Acceptance letters will be handed out on their audition day.

Instrumental Ensemble, Ms. Finch & Ms. Claset

Grades: Fifth and Sixth Grade Students, limited to available instruments.

Objective:To enhance musical experiences through rehearsal and performance on classroom instruments, such as, but not limited to, xylophone, drum, ukulele.

When: Rehearsals held every Tuesday afternoon from 3:05-4pm with additional attendance required for performances.

How to join: Auditions will be held BEFORE SCHOOL the week of September 5th-8th. Students should sign-up on the door of Music Room A for an audition time, show up at that time with your completed application, and be prepared to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and echo various rhythms. Students will be notified of results by 3pm on September 8th and will receive an Ensemble Handbook with further details and schedule.

Theater Productions, Ms. Moriarty

Grades: Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grade Students

Objective: To enhance theatrical experiences through rehearsals and performances.

When: Rehearsals will be held after school Monday-Wednesday (a calendar will be provided if you

participate) with evening performances.

-Fall Play in November (will audition the end of August and rehearse throughout the semester)

-Spring Musical in Spring (will audition in December and rehearse throughout the spring semester)

How to join: Auditions will be held after school. Sign ups will be posted, a permission form/application will be filled out and returned in order to participate.

STEAM Club, Mrs. Gregory & Ms. Campbell

Grades: Fifth and Sixth Grade Students

Objective: to explore the areas of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) through

collaborative activities and individual projects.

When: Tuesdays from 3:05-4 pm - Fall session dates will be on application

How to join: Complete the STEAM Club application form (pick up from Ms. Campbell or Mrs. Gregory) and

return by Sept 7. There will be a limited number of spots available, so turn in your application and permission slip ASAP!

All Clubs will start on the week of Sept. 11, and all students must have a submitted permission slip signed by a guardian to attend.

Please contact the supervisor(s) of the club with any questions.

We look forward to enriching our TLE lions through these opportunities in addition to the engaging instruction available to ALL students each and every day!

Save the Dates!

Fall Events

September 11: Clubs Start

September 29: 5th Grade Field Trip to Amon Carter Museum of Art

October 6: Choir Cluster Concert at Bell HS

October 19: 3rd grade Performance, 2 pm

November 3: Talent Show, 1:45 pm

November 9: Fall Play

November 16: 1st grade Performance, 2 pm

November 17: Van Cliburn Visit

November 28: Hurst Tree Lighting (Choir Performance)

December 1: Music Program @ The Trails (Choir Performance)

Decemeber 5-6: Musical Auditions (4th-6th grade)

December 20: TLE campus Choir Tour